Who here on the boards, has High Blood Pressure?


<font color=CCCC00>Will travel without lipstick<br
Jul 27, 2000
How high, and are you on meds? In the last 2 months I have been put on 2 meds to control my pressure!:eek: I have NEVER had High Blood before, so I am NEW at this! HELP!:(
I've had high blood pressure along with diabetes and high cholesterol for going on 6 years. My Dr. has had me on Inhibace since then, with (thanks goodness) no side effects at all and for that I'm truly happy!:D

There are many many meds out there for HBP and sometimes your Dr. just has to keep trying to see which one (or two) works the best for you. Always get your BP checked each and everytime you visit your Drs. office even if the visit is for another matter.:) Hope this helps and everything is under control for you!:sunny:
and for four years I took a diaretic type bp...htz I think it was....and I did really good.....well I have been off it for almost three years..and I have maintained a good BP....I am very good on not using the salt shaker...I love herbs and spices for flavor in my food....we don't eat alot of processed foods...like bologna..ham and stuff like that....we do not eat alot of fast food....so that has helped me....my mom is on two different type of meds to maintain her bp....some people need that type of BP maintenance.....good luck and take care.....you can do it.....my moms was over ....way over....like 180 or 190 over 100 sometimes.....
Thanks for your responses.:D I am on a Diruetic/Blood Pressure Pilll AND a Beta Blocker type pill, but only a Half a Day! My pressure was 170/90 and went down to 151/99! This is WHY I am on the sencond pill!:confused: Next is a DIET and than I hope to control it.;)
I'm on Zestril and it works just fine for me. My dh was on three different ones, seperately, and he had bad reactions to all three. His doc says that he doesn't need them anymore and took him off.

Mine started out just being high when I saw a doctor. lol One doc had me come in every week for a bp check until I got used to it, then I didn't have a problem.
It did become a problem when I was about 8 months pregnant and they put me on meds. The first one was okay, but with this one I have no side effects and it works fine.
Alas, high blood pressure is one of my problems. I was started on Zestril, then recently I was switched to Lotrel. My numbers average about 128/78, so I am on the "low" side of HBP. I also take a Potassium tablet twice a day; my doctor says that can help manage HBP and since I don't eat "right" I may not get enough. (Not a big veggie lover, but I do love bananas!)
I've had borderline high blood pressure for 10 years. A couple of years ago, my doctor decided that it was time to start treating it. The first pill that I took didn't do a thing to drop my BP. So I switched to Atacand (a form of ACE inhibitor). Since then, my BP has settled back down to the 120/80 range. I have only noticed a few side effects from lower BP. I sometimes get tingling in my fingers if I don't move them every now and then. Sort of like the pins and needles feeling you get when your arm falls asleep.

My doctor hasn't put any restrictions on my diet, so I still drink way too much coffee and could probably stand to lose 40 or so pounds. But that's another thread.
I am on a diuretic and beta blocker too...Maxide/Corgard. Everybody is different and high blood pressure is difficult to control and sometimes it takes a lot of experimenting before the right combination is found for you. I hope what you are doing will work. If not, good luck! Watch your diet and EXERCISE!
DH does. He takes Adalat. Been on it for about 5 years and he is doing quite well.
I’ve had high blood pressure for several years now. I’m on a lot of medication: Diltiazem, Zestril and HCT (hydrochloro-something). When I was first diagnosed, it was extremely high. In fact, I started taking medication that very day. I’ve recently had to switch doctors due to insurance coverage, and it’s prompted me to start taking better care of myself. Hopefully, soon I’ll be able to cut down on some of the meds.
I've had high blood pressure since just before I turned thirty and unfortunately just about everyone in our family gets it. I was up to around 150/95 but I've controlled it since. The really odd thing is that when I was pregnant, I was taken off the meds and my blood pressure was completely normal the whole time. I had my son and it shot right back up. :confused:

I'm taking Toprol and Hyzaar and have been for many years now. One of the first meds my doctor put me on did a good job of controlling it but I developed a common side effect. I couldn't quit coughing so you may want to watch for that.

Good luck with it and watch that diet and avoid stress too!
STRESS!!! :earseek: Don't they have a pill for that too???

(Somebody is in a rut - perhaps it's my HBP meds)
Yep, I recently changed positions on my Job, so I THINK that is what is causing this!:( DO they have a pill that instantly turns into MONEY??!!;) The meds that I am on are as follows:Triamterene 37.5mg 1 a day. Also, Atenolol 50mg but I cut it in half for 25mg a day. These are all Generic, as they cost 22.00 for BOTH prescriptions!:rolleyes: I really appreciate all your info, as I feel as if I am in shock!:eek: I am in unfamiliar territory.:rolleyes:
I've been borderline for quite some time and just this year my doc started medicating me for it ... first he put me on Triamterene/HCTZ .... that didn't help me at all ... so he switched me to Accupril and I get pretty "normal" readings now ... (last time I checked it was 128/80)
I have what was termed borderline high blood pressure. I think it was 140/92 or something like that. I take Lopressor 50 mg bid and it seems to control it, no side effects or anything
My blood pressure USED to be 135/70!:rolleyes: Hope to get it back to that and not HAVE to take Medicine for it!:confused:
I'm actually the opposite! Mine is usually right around 105/78. Sometimes I wake up and my feet are a little bluish. Not so good. My roommate is on Atacand, and she has had a lot of success with it. She's 5'5", 130 lbs, a competitive swimmer, and she has high blood pressure anyway!
Faith - I've been on meds for high blood pressure for about 10 years. I know you and I are the same age. ;) Started out on Adalat and switched to Diovan about a year ago when Adalat lost it's effectiveness. I also take a diuretic - Maxide. If I would lose weight and exercise I could probably get off the meds but, well, I guess taking the pills is easier. :p

I've been fortunate to not have to switch meds alot like some do when they first start on HBP meds and I've never had any side effects. (Except peeing alot from the diuretic! I have been able to cut the dosage of that in half the last couple of years, thank goodness.) Watch for light-headedness. That can be an indication that your dosage is too high and lowering your BP too much.

Hang in there! It's not so bad having to take HBP meds once you find one that works for you. You get use to it. :D

P.S. My BP runs about 160/95 without meds.


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