Weight Maintainer journal - post WDW vacation update


DIS Veteran
Nov 1, 2013
It has been challenging 12 months and it will be fair to say that I have let myself not focus on my wellbeing. Luckily the storm seem to be over. My DH had his all clear.

I need to pick up the pieces and rebuild my happiness. I have partial success in some areas as getting back to exercise/moving more. Eating little better most of the time. Promotion in work. After multiple surgeries DH is back to playing tennis and feeling positive about the future. Trying to further his career and put the storm behind.

I did the right thing to focus on his recovery and my family. But now I can't use that as excuse any more. I need to move on and take ownership of my health - and the weight I gained last year and half

I tried few times to just get back to my old ways at once and honestly it didn't work. That's why I will deal with change one by one. Pound by pound. One new are goal every 2/3 weeks

I tried few times to cut added sugars, but while trying to focus on doing it while working out both lifting and cardio/long walks it gets little overwhelming and I end up burning myself out by Thursday. I will take a short break from the gym and reduce my walks little

First goal - focus on diet. Less meals out. No added sugars. Whole foods - veggies, fruit, dairy, meat, fish, wholegrains. 1700 calories a day on my fitness pal. 90/10 rules - 10% of my meals to be whatever I want within reason

Cut walks to 10000 steps daily for first 5 days only. Give the gym a very short break.

weight to go - 10kg.
Day 1 nearly over
10163 steps done
breakfast - smoothie made with melon, lime, pink salt, avocado, chilli (inspired by epcot avocado margarita)
Lunch salmon, wholegrain rice, veggies
Dinner chicken, wholegrain rice, veggies
snack egg white/turkey wholegrain wrap
snack two banana and Greek yoghurt
Total calories for the day
MFP - 1609 calories, 41% carbs, 36% protein, 23% fat
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Day 2

Breakfast: Greek yogurt & banana
Lunch: chicken fillet & pesto, wholegrain rice, peppers & courgettes
Dinner: chicken thigh, rice noodles, babycorn, peppers, courgettes, teriyaki (made with soy sauce and honey)
Snack 1: egg white & turkey mince & tomatoes with half wholegrain wrap
Snack 2: smoothie made with lime, melon, avocado and chili

Calories 1627 - 46% carbs, 36 protein and fat 19%

Steps: 13300

Listened to one of Half size me podcasts on my lunch time walk today. She mentioned how the hardest thing for her was to not let herself make it hard for herself, to start slowly and stick to gradual change. It makes sense to me. She is good – very motivational

Feel good – no major sugar crash so far! I am not feeling particularly hungry – probably the high protein meals today.
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Day 3
Menu will be same as yesterday with the addition of few rice cakes and humus

I am feeling positive about my gradual and one by one approach. I am glad I am not stressing myself about not being in the gym this week. I still enjoyed my walks but without obsessing about burning extra 500 calories a day!

I am not going to lie – I feel little low today! I had good bit of chocolate on Easter Sunday and this is day 3 of no added sugars, no heavily processed food with close eye on calories – the next few days will be the hardest.

I haven’t faced the scale, I will when a May tread is set up

That’s it with my day 4 update. Little tired low, content with the gradual approach without guilt that I am not doing it all right now and motivated to continue.

1683 calories, 48% carbs, 35 protein, 18 fat.
12500 steps

It's little harder today. I had to cut down on Disney dining reviews and planning and switch to Nia Shanks podcasts. I feel little tired, little bit of headache.
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Day 4 - are we there yet?

Morning post
I survived hungry Wednesday. I was really tired last night and fell asleep at 9. Woke up 4:30 - way too early! I will struggle to say awake later today. I faced the scale ahead of April and I am not at all happy about it but I guess I wouldn't need setting up journal here I was happy would I?

I can work from home today, and was planning to but kind of getting second thoughts about it. My pre chopped veggies are gone, my pre cooked meals are gone. If I work from home I can cook healthier meals or I need to get up cooking now, or make tuna & bean salad.

I guess the easy part is over.

Morning post
I will work from home so I can catch up on my meal prep during my lunch break. I will do walking calls, and do a walk again before I pick up my son tonight. I guess today is my real start - I know what the starting point is and I can get on with the first one pound

Breakfast - egg white+ 1 whole egg omelette, feta, olives, tomatoes, peppes
Lunch - wholegrain rice, broccoli, chicken, onions, tomatoes, courgettes, fine beans, tiny bit of ranch. Ranch have little added sugar but it's less then a gram for the amount I had
Snack - tomatoes, feta cheese
Dinner - brown rice pasta half & half courgettes with tomatoes, chicken thighs, veggies, chilli and parmesan

total calories - 1635
carb - 42%
protein - 31%
fat - 27%
Steps so far 17100 - it's lovely and sunny out

It wasn't that bad really!
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Day 5!
I woke up in great form.
Breakfast - banana & Greek yoghurt
Snack Banana & Greek yoghurt
Lunch - lean burgers & wholegrain rice & salad on the side
Snack 2 - beef slice & mustard on rye bread
Dinner Superfood salad with chicken

Happy with my choice of meal (the superfood salad) on night out. Wasn't very tasty - actually little too plain, no dressing at all. 2 glasses of prosecco for the night is not bad at all either.

1803 calories (estimate) 36%carbs, 29% fat, 35% protein
14600 steps
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Day 6 morning update

One down - 9 to go :yay:

Evening update
Breakfast melon, turkey rashers, broccoli. I was in rush to get out for my sons football and that's what I came up it in rush!
Lunch out, grilled chilli chicken starter, prawn curry with pilaf rice, small piece of naan bread
Snack blueberries, mandarins
Dinner zacchuni & noodle veggies prawns stir fry with lime, coriander, chilli, ginger sauce. yum
Calories total 1646 (although it may be more like 2000 if my estimation for meal out are not accurate
steps 10000
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Day 10
still doing great, apart from Sunday but nothing dramatic and I did extra walks yesterday and the day before to make up for it.

I feel nearly ready to hit the gym but I may hold off another week. Undecided.
I didn’t keep up this journal and I feel writing update

I lost 6 kg since I started it, leaving me 4 kg to the goal. I changed my plan few times, until about mid April when I simply had it and decided that I need permanent change and huge focus on sustainability and not weight loss.

I went through my weight history on MFP. Last 3 years I lost weight (lowest 60 kg), went on vacation, struggled to get back to normal, gained weight, lost weight, went on another vacation. When you add one cancer in the family and small December gain every year it was some rollercoaster! I went through 3 full weight loss, weight gain cycles with 60 being the lowest and 73 kg the highest but the general cycle was 63-68kg.

So Vacation eating was clearly my problem! It make sense, even if you don’t gain weight on holiday if I eat high sugar foods, the more natural food doesn’t feel as satisfying after. People say Holiday and Vacations won’t matter but if you go to two 2 week vacations + Christmas season it can matter it appears! Clearly there were lessons to be learned.
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9 days holiday at the Canary Island Lanzarote

view from our balcony and the beach early in the morning




  • I focused on getting my veggies on nearly all of my meals. Estimation 300 g minimum target.
  • I decided I will try to count calories on MFP to give me awareness. I knew I am underestimating. My 300 gram of watermelon was most likely to be 600ggram. My steak with gorgonzola sauce I would just add 20g gorgonzola and 200 g steak skipping the other ingredients they most likely used. I didn't stress to much but did try to keep some awareness. Highest calorie day 2500. My maintanence level is about 1900 so I didn't try to diet as such but if I ate something, I added it
  • I skipped desserts other than fresh fruit with the exception of last day
Breakfast was always at the hotel buffet, mainly made to order omelette and unlimited veggies & little bit of things as serrano ham

By last few days I couldn't handle any more omelettes and went back to what I have home - fruit & yogurt. As much as I want, I went few times to get extra fruit



Some of my main meals for lunch or dinner







During the day I snacked on as much fruit as I want - normally between 3 & 6 pieces

I had some fresh bread & garlic & herb butter, chips (French fries) once, pasta, whatever I fancy for dinner really but kept my veggies rule with every meal and had a lot of grilled fish or meat as main on big portion of my meals. I ate until I am satisfied, didn’t restrict myself

Twice for the duration of the holiday I was not happy with the size of my meals, portion control needs work on. I felt uncomfortably full after. One of the meals was buffet and mainly veggies but still isn't good if eating until uncomfortably full. Further work needed on this

I ordered ice cream at myfavoritee ice cream shop on the last day. It’s our 10th trip so we know the place well. I really didn't feel like it to be honest but I felt I don't want to have forbidden foods that may end up being reason to overeat if my willpower has a low moment. I had few bites and honestly - it tasted amazing. But I felt its way too intense and I am happier with the simplicity of watermelon. Ice cream was one of my trigger foods in the past. I am happy that I ordered it but I figured I don't need it to have great vacation. I left most of it

Drinks - glass of vino, 2 glasses Prosecco, half little of sangria for the duration of the holiday.

According to MFP average calories for day was 2200 calories.
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I was really concerned about this as I had very good routine going before I left. This trip was only me and my son (age 9) which meant I can't go to the gym or the fantastic selection of classes & tennis they have as part of the resort. I took my TRX band and loaded some pilates videos on my tablet.

I did short walk at sunrise each morning - pictures from my walks below



I didn't really need the trx and only used it once!
I also did yoga at the beach 30 minutes in the morning 6 days
I did aqua aerobics - 30 minutes 3 days
short walk at the beach each morning
Walk around the coast & shops & meal each evening
Swimming at least 30 minutes a day
Average daily steps 22000

It adds up more then one a day as some days I did yoga & aqua aerobics

Average calorie burn according to my fitbit 27456 calories a day

I find fit bit overestimating little - lets guess 10% 24710
assuming that I underestimated my calories with 13% 2486

I should be pretty much even without weight gain or loss.

And the scale agrees! Weight gain = 0. I eat as much as I want, I focused on how lucky I am to have the energy to be able to walk and explore this beautiful place, to be able to swim and run around with my son. I focused on holiday being opportunity to enjoy my health, to enjoy the location and the fantastic weather, to enjoy being with my son, to eat yummy but somewhat healthy foods that help me have energy to have fun. I did not feel deprived or made attempt to diet at all.

It was amazing holiday! I loved every minute of it! I came back on Friday and it was so easy to go back to eating healthy - I walk less, but my portions went down too. I feel rested, energized and happy.

I was sleeping about 6 hours 15 minutes before holiday. Up to nearly 8 hours a night now (tracked by fitbit). I really needed the rest and to look after myself and keeping active, eating my veggies and not overdoing it with drink or super processed food did their part to make most of my vacation
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10 kg down! Took me little longer than the plan but feel great and it was worth it taking it slow
I would like to lose 6 lbs more until 1st of January 2017

The challenge is - there is 2 weeks WDW & US vacation in October and Christmas
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I decided that I need to focus on maintenance right now. I find very little written about it, yet weight regain is such a big issue for many, myself included. I am nervous about it, I have to admit during weight loss I felt I am territory I can manage well. I read a book on it. The only book that comes when searching weight maintenance on amazon! with week until our WDW holiday and Christmas season approaching, chest infection not allowing me to be as active as I love to be - the big moment when I reach the goal weight seem to be rather .... well disappointing. It was good to read about someone else's feelings about it. I was on that road before, and I need to learn my lessons and do it right this time.

I guess, this is where the real challenge really starts? This is where I need to show what I am made off, did I really change to live life in a way to support my new size. It will be 12 years since my first diet soon. 4 full cycles of ups and downs, 2 of them post WDW vacation in the last 3 years and 1 post pregnancy
1st weight loss - post giving up smoking. I kept it off for 3 years/ 4 years

Post pregnancy - I kind of feel this one doesn't count, as it was part of life, and I lost the weight easy and felt natural

2nd weight gain/loss is where the yoyo started. New job, more vacations, less time for the gym. I gained weight, lost it all for our first WDW holiday, didn't gain on holiday, returned with bad post holiday blues and messed up taste craving junk food and the winter season hit us. Weight gain post holiday

3rd weight gain/loss Lost the weight for our WDW holiday in 2014. Didn't gain much on holiday. When I returned I had great intention to go back to normal, but I thought maybe I can get away with it? I managed to do it on vacation. I had the mentality of what you do when you have meal out doesn't count. And life hits. And I was forced with a full year of situations where I had to eat out a lot, in hospital and home and I had no habit of trying to balance things out. I end up gaining more weight than ever before

so here we are now, I am nearly the weight I was pre pregnancy with WDW vacation due next Saturday. With chest infection, not allowing me to to get my calorie burn. Just about nearly reached my goal weight. I can't do this again. It's not worth it. I need consistency in my life. I can't get into Vacations don't count. I can't obsess over short term loss. I can't skip weigh ins and stop tracking for day or two or five. What I do count. Once in awhile perhaps not but not for 14 days by 3 meals and snack.

With a little bit of faith, I need to calm down and manage the situation. I need to rest for the duration of my chest infection, meaning the balance have to be from eating little lighter! I need to do in WDW what I did so well on our Spain holiday. I got this. This time it's different. I am different person now. I know better. I will do better.
You most certainly can do it. One thing I think may help you is to not think of it as a diet, but to move forward with it being a lifestyle change. Losing the weight is indeed a difficult thing to do, but it has a reward system that keeps us motivated. These rewards are seeing weight dropping on the scale from week to week, clothes fitting loser, having to buy new clothes because the old is falling off, changes in appearance, compliments from friends and family, ect. The really hard part is when reaching that goal, is to maintain it. This is where the lifestyle change comes into play. As you mentioned there isn't a lot of information out there to help us along. So the question is what to do once we reach our goal? Going back to the lifestyle that enabled us to gain weight isn't an option, and continuing a difficult diet plan cant go on forever either. A third phase must happen. That third phase is a combination of the weight gain and lose cycle. We have to continue monitoring what we eat, but instead of 1700 cals/day, 1900 cals/day will be a state at which you neither lose nor gain weight. Instead of exercising 4-5 day a week, you can go to 3-4 days a week. I think its a give and take. You eat a little more than you should one day, well maybe the next two days you workout a little longer or restrict calories a little more to balance the scale. Moderation is key I believe to maintaining our desired weight. I think you probably know this already, but I just wanted to try to encourage you to keep working hard at it. Best of luck to you!
You most certainly can do it. One thing I think may help you is to not think of it as a diet, but to move forward with it being a lifestyle change. Losing the weight is indeed a difficult thing to do, but it has a reward system that keeps us motivated. These rewards are seeing weight dropping on the scale from week to week, clothes fitting loser, having to buy new clothes because the old is falling off, changes in appearance, compliments from friends and family, ect. The really hard part is when reaching that goal, is to maintain it. This is where the lifestyle change comes into play. As you mentioned there isn't a lot of information out there to help us along. So the question is what to do once we reach our goal? Going back to the lifestyle that enabled us to gain weight isn't an option, and continuing a difficult diet plan cant go on forever either. A third phase must happen. That third phase is a combination of the weight gain and lose cycle. We have to continue monitoring what we eat, but instead of 1700 cals/day, 1900 cals/day will be a state at which you neither lose nor gain weight. Instead of exercising 4-5 day a week, you can go to 3-4 days a week. I think its a give and take. You eat a little more than you should one day, well maybe the next two days you workout a little longer or restrict calories a little more to balance the scale. Moderation is key I believe to maintaining our desired weight. I think you probably know this already, but I just wanted to try to encourage you to keep working hard at it. Best of luck to you!

This is very well thought of response and I read it 5 times. Thanks for taking the time to write it
2 weeks in WDW
average steps a day 26000
average calories burn 2750
average calorie estimated eaten 2546

The first week I was walking more, and eating little less and tracking little better. As we were overtired week 2, I craved more substantial food. I estimated, sometimes trying to guess ingredients, sometimes just coming up with number.

Some holiday food pics

I had ice cream cookie sandwich instead of lunch one day. It was yummy but I didn't feel the need to finish it


There were fights over this dessert on our table between DH and DS but I managed little bite (Coral Reef)


Salmon as main course was ok, but little overcooked for me


Steak at Hollywood Brown Derby. It was bit disappointing this time!


Seared tuna was good


Omelette at Wolfgang puck. Delicious! Salads there are TO DIE FOR! Everything we tried was good and fruit mix for dessert is great option. We had few meals there


Salad in Tutto Italia part of kids offering as kids appetizer - yum


Tutto Italia appetizer. So tasty. Salmon main course (no picture) was amazing. Fresh olives and bread too. Although I tried to take it easy with the bread!


We went to the Chocolate Emporium as I felt DS may enjoy the shakes. Had only shakes for dinner, and only DH finished his. They were so over the top and very horrible sweet overly sweet taste. Yuks. Didn't even had half.


Family feast in Three Broomsticks at IoA. It was just ok to be honest, the food at US and IOA isn't very good. It came with large salad which was fresh



Ohana Lapu Lapu. Enjoyed one of these on each of our 2 visits. Sampled everything the first time but very little. Second time had the things I loved only - the salad, bread, chicken, shrimp and little bit of the banana bread pudding. So good, but glad to say I was satisfied with small portion


Be Our Guest seared tuna salad ( I love tuna) and french onion soup. Soup can be requested as substitute for dessert for lunch, but no substitute is possible for dinner.


The dessert of the holiday. This was AMAZING! I shared it with DH


Buffets are great to load up on veggies. I did 1st plate - veggies or veggies and fruit. Second half veggies half plate of little taste of other foods. 3rd plate if desired - favorites. I was pretty full by that point. Chef Mickeys was favorite breakfast. Plenty of fruit options, melon salad had some chopped mint dressing - so good. Grapes, bananas, strawberries, grapefruit and oranges salad. Tusker house was not as good, but still enjoyed by all



BOG egg whites breakfast. It was ok. Not great to be honest


Old Port Royal dinner


DLuxe burger. SOOOO Good. We returned second time. Didn't love blaze pizza though, even with the fact that they allow substituting dessert for salad


I was offered chopped apples and espresso at Mama Melrose to sub for dessert on fantasmic package, also espresso in Tutto Italia. I didn't ask for it but appreciated it


Steak at Mamma Melorose was delicious

The tuna at Mama Melrose was also the best I tried this vacation

Dublin airport meal


plane meal

Kids soup in Mama Melrose which I ate!

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We were on the dinning plan for 2 weeks

I didn't eat any desserts at QS. I was refused substitute only at the QS at Mexico in Epcot. I said well, I will eat elsewhere so. I was more interested in the two bottles of water to have with us while sampling food at Food and Wine then the actual food

TS - I just ordered as I would without the plan. No dessert unless I really want it, and starter if I really want it and just pay for it

At HS we had meals at

Brown Derby - I had tuna starter, steak, and with fantasmic package they no longer offer choice of desserts. I had the creme brulee out of the mini trio. I also had mini cocktails trio, it was ok.

Mamma Melrose - ahi tuna, soup (that DS didn't want), steak, apple and espresso

Starring Rolls - Sandwich with 2 pieces of fruit, one that comes as side and one as sub for the dessert. It was tasty


We had BOG lunch once, BOG breakfast twice both are pictures in the post above.
Dinner twice. I was soo hungry and had good bit of bread. First time steak, second roast beef - both great. I just said no for the dessert, regardless of the fact that it's included. But I did indulge with two glasses of sparkling wine with each of our 2 dinners there.

We also had meal at peco bill's. I had the fahita platter. I skipped the wrap and the cheesy toppings but the topping bar is great! Some really tasty salsa and guacamole. I was given bottles of water as substitute which I gave to people in the park that had own bottles with them as I didn't fancy carrying 6 bottles of water (2 for each of us) around

The only dessert I had at MK was the ice cream cookie sandwich one day, but honestly didn't love it as much as I did before. I am not that big into sweet anymore.

Near MK we had meal at Ohana twice as listed above great meals, and Chef Mickeys - delicious fresh fruit & yogurt for breakfast


Flame tree. Very disappointing meal for some reason this time.

Tusker house breakfast - very good. We had exact opposite experience last time!


QS - china - I didn't really like it but the guys ate their food.

Sunshine season breakfast panini - sooo good!

TS - Biergarten x 2! WATERMELON HELLO! I love watermelon and enjoyed it so much. Great meal, chicken & veggies & sausages all tasty. Sorry no pic of the food

Tutto Italia - soooo good! Great meal, great service, offered sub for dessert to make use of my credit without even asking.

Teppan Edo - once and done for us. The taste of the meat does not appeal at all

Coral Reef - Good meal. Not as good as Tutto or Biergarten but good. I had tiny bite of the turtle cheesecake as my husband and my son were fighting over the desserts.

Food and Wine - we sampled few things each time we visit. I enjoyed them all, but the only dessert I had was the pictured above. It was really good.

They had my favorite wine - gewertztraminer in Germany pavilion and in Coral Reef so I had to had that. I also tried the sparkling wine in Tutto - not as good as BOG but good.

Very disappointed in the change in Cava Del Tequila, the avocado margarita is nothing like before. Yuks. Done with it.

Disney springs - Wolfgang puck few times, DLuxe burger few times both great and Blaze pizza once - not for us.


14 days opportunity to have dessert twice a day plus snack I had

Liquid Nitro Chocolate Almond Truffle with Warm Whiskey Caramel AMAZING!
Small serving of banana bread pudding ohana - worth it
Small sample size for a trio creme brulee HBD - not so much
Little bit of milkshake chocolate factory - yuks not for me at all!
Ice cream cookie sandwich - worth it, kind of. It's little too big even for lunch!
Tiny bit of DS cinnabon too, and sip or two of butter beer.
oh... and some ice cream at the Harry Potter shop at US, like half :) worth it category!
I also had few of the healthier treats on Halloween night! We were so tired, not that I loved them but all the walking made me crave more calorific food at that point

Lapu Lapu - worth it, had it twice - once on different night
Avocado margarita - not worth it any more, was horrible!
The trio/fligth at HBD - it was ok
Passion martini slush France Epcot - it was ok
Bellini x 2 at the Hard Rock Hotel pool bar

Sparkling wine/prosecco 5 small glasses total, 2x2 + 1
Wine - 2 glasses

none alcohol drinks just water or sparkling water

So it appears for 14 days I either had a cocktail, or small dessert each day!

Didn't worry too much about food choices, had anything I fancy but sometimes I fancy veggies and fruit. We did drop by Publix and had additional fruit at the hotel.

All the walking and the fact I did try not to overeat and not to eat when not hungry helped a lot. No weight gain. I can say that looking at my calorie tracking I really overdid it on our last day, as it was weird long day with long haul flight at 10 pm and we had 2 dinners. The other 14 days were what I view as good vacation balance.

This was my first challenge to maintenance and I did well. Back on tracking and in balance since Sunday. Next challenge - surviving Christmas!
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Thank you so much for the report!! You really inspire me to be equally good on my upcoming vacation. With a cruise in the mix, it is nearly worse than the Dining Plan at WDW. As there is constantly free food...

The dessert of the holiday. This was AMAZING! I shared it with DH


This looks amazing and I am afraid that this was from a Food and Wine Festival booth?? So no chance for me to get in December?

Buffets are great to load up on veggies. I did 1st plate - veggies or veggies and fruit. Second half veggies half plate of little taste of other foods. 3rd plate if desired - favorites. I was pretty full by that point.

I like this rule! I will need to make sure to follow it on the cruise.

DLuxe burger. SOOOO Good.

That is great to hear! My BF Michael has an AP and he gets a 20% discount there and we have discussed trying it. He thinks that they charge a ridiculous price for fries there, but I have found out that I do not need a side of fries with a burger anyway...

Steak at Mamma Melorose was delicious

This looks amazing and now I am wondering if we should try to get a last minute ADR there.

The tuna at Mama Melrose was also the best I tried this vacation

And with this I am even more sold on Mama Melrose! I love tuna, too!

Flame tree. Very disappointing meal for some reason this time.

Tusker house breakfast - very good. We had exact opposite experience last time!

That's a shame! We are planning on eating at Flame Tree. Hope they are better for us.

TS - Biergarten x 2! WATERMELON HELLO! I love watermelon and enjoyed it so much. Great meal, chicken & veggies & sausages all tasty. Sorry no pic of the food

Very happy that you enjoyed Biergarten!!

Coral Reef - Good meal. Not as good as Tutto or Biergarten but good. I had tiny bite of the turtle cheesecake as my husband and my son were fighting over the desserts.

We have an ADR there as it is a place that I have never eaten at. Is this where you had the overcooked salmon with risotto? W

All the walking and the fact I did try not to overeat and not to eat when not hungry helped a lot. No weight gain. I can say that looking at my calorie tracking I really overdid it on our last day, as it was weird long day with long haul flight at 10 pm and we had 2 dinners. The other 14 days were what I view as good vacation balance.

You did so well! I am so impressed! I really need to try my best to follow your example and keep reminding myself to not eat when I am not hungry. And the last day with the flight is understandable. It was an exceptional situation and only one day out of a two week vacation.

Next challenge - surviving Christmas!

I am sure you will be able to manage this quite well! Especially since you have lost your appetite for sweets!
This looks amazing and I am afraid that this was from a Food and Wine Festival booth?? So no chance for me to get in December? - yes it was food and wine booth. Very interesting taste and texture

That is great to hear! My BF Michael has an AP and he gets a 20% discount there and we have discussed trying it. He thinks that they charge a ridiculous price for fries there, but I have found out that I do not need a side of fries with a burger anyway...

Fries are large portion and can be shared for sure!

This looks amazing and now I am wondering if we should try to get a last minute ADR there. The only thing I would say it was little too salty, but still great. We found ADRs for everything are available the day before or early in the morning. Including BOG! Hopefully you get the same experience.

And with this I am even more sold on Mama Melrose! I love tuna, too! This was really good

That's a shame! We are planning on eating at Flame Tree. Hope they are better for us.
I loved it before, but didn't at all this time. I think my taste is changed to be honest.We went back 3 times last time, and nobody wanted to return this time!

Very happy that you enjoyed Biergarten!!
We all did, great meal! The only thing I didn't like is that they have great wine selection in the wine shop next to it and you can buy glass - but not available in biergarten. I love gewertztraminer and was disappointed little. Carried my cup in on second visit!

We have an ADR there as it is a place that I have never eaten at. Is this where you had the overcooked salmon with risotto? Yes. It wasn't too bad, but just not the best either. Kids meal was great thought!

You did so well! I am so impressed! I really need to try my best to follow your example and keep reminding myself to not eat when I am not hungry. And the last day with the flight is understandable. It was an exceptional situation and only one day out of a two week vacation.

I am sure you will be able to manage this quite well! Especially since you have lost your appetite for sweets! I did, really. I still have good appetite for pasta, pizza, cheese but so far seem to be able to moderate it ok!

Thanks for reading



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