Week of Oct 9 - 2006 Half-Full Marathon Info/Training Thread

plutosmyfav said:
You signed up for the pie-eating contest? I apparently signed on for the donut-eating contest. :rolleyes: Never in my life have I craved donuts like I have since I started LDR! What gives??? I've decided its not physically possible for me to outrun my appetite :confused3 But I'll keep trying ;)


STEP AWAY FROM THE PIE AND NOBODY GETS HURT :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:

Oh My Gosh!!! I thought I was the ONLY one experiencing this this week!!! Except I'd be at the chip eating contest!! Love salty stuff.
I told my mom last night that I feel like I can not get full no matter how much I eat. She said me too..I thought "Um ok mom you're not training for a marathon, but hey misery loves company, pass me that candy" Glad to know that I'm not alone in this :rotfl:

I would love to do the minnie marathon and the tri.....I just need to figure out a way to do all that if I'm pregnant :teeth: I've promised DH that we can try to start our family next year. I've been giving him the "one more marathon" excuse for almost three years, he might leave me if I try to put it off any more :blush: I really do want kids (actually I just want Christa's kids, I wonder if she's willing to let me borrow them?), I just don't want to slow down for pregnancy....I'm so selfish, my poor husband.

Well guys send me a little pixie dust this morning for the LR. I slept about 3 hours last night. Layed awake listening to the dog snore, until about 2am. My mom slept over last night and she was up at 5am, so that meant I was up at 5am. I think this just must be my off week. It seems one thing after another keeps happening, first I was sick, then I couldn't sleep hardly all week, now my dad's in the hospital having his gall bladder removed, I can't quit eating junk and lots of it...AAAAAHHHHHHH poor me!!!!! That's the end of my pity party. It could be SOOO much worse couldn't it?

Will check in later,
Ok, I admit it. It's not really just pie. It's anythign I can put in my mouth!

Shirt Update
I had a few size availability and time frame questions and contacted alertshirt. We can get ss, sleeveless and long sleeve. There does not appear to be minimums for anything, even if not shown on website. It looks like we may need to special order some sizes so it could take up to 4 weeks. I hope to have all details and sizing specifics next week (Sunday if all goes well and I do not need to reconfigure parents VCR) and order end of the month.
I have to exercise my "Bragging rights, twice removed". My friend's son (the one I told you about who runs marathons sub 2:30), just placed 2nd in the Steamtown Marathon 2:22:22 (5:26), a PR! :earseek: He won $1,000.

Onto another topic. I was walking across the parking lot this morning, in the rain of course, and a thought was rattling around in my head... "Did Bree and Christa say they run 0300 - 0400??????" You do mean Oh-Three-Hundred, as in 3AM, right????? OK, you take the "truly insane" award!!!!! But it gives me hope to think if push comes to shove, I can just head out earlier to get the mid-week, semi-LRs in. phew.

OK, I had my first Marathon nightmare. I dreamt that I got a letter from Disney informing me that they had too many people registered for the marathon and therefore some people were going to have to run it on their own training courses and just report in their times!!!! I was one of the ones they selected to run at home. I was devestated and desparately trying to rearrange my travel plans accordingly. :rotfl2:

Today is rest. (by this point in the post you are probably thinking 'she needs more than just rest' :rotfl: ) I left the house without my gym bag. It was a little scarey but I did it :teeth: I have an umbrella so I can always go for a walk at lunchtime if the rest is getting to intense :p

Hi everyone. I've read in a few posts thet we should be receiving "a packet" :confused3 in a few weeks.What is this? TIA
I've got to get my tail in gear! A crazy schedule as led to me doing no training except for the one earlier in the week when I was hurting so badly. Kind of nervous to get out there again so I've let my schedule run right over me :moped:

I've got a chiropractor appointment tonight to look at my sciatica again and then I'm going to do an easy walk this evening to loosen things up and then my lr tomorrow morning (4mile). I've decided I'm going to put the steps in some how some way even if it means walking instead of running.

Good luck to everyone on their lr this weekend!
plutosmyfav said:
I have to exercise my "Bragging rights, twice removed". My friend's son (the one I told you about who runs marathons sub 2:30), just placed 2nd in the Steamtown Marathon 2:22:22 (5:26), a PR! :earseek: He won $1,000.

Onto another topic. I was walking across the parking lot this morning, in the rain of course, and a thought was rattling around in my head... "Did Bree and Christa say they run 0300 - 0400??????" You do mean Oh-Three-Hundred, as in 3AM, right????? OK, you take the "truly insane" award!!!!! But it gives me hope to think if push comes to shove, I can just head out earlier to get the mid-week, semi-LRs in. phew.

OK, I had my first Marathon nightmare. I dreamt that I got a letter from Disney informing me that they had too many people registered for the marathon and therefore some people were going to have to run it on their own training courses and just report in their times!!!! I was one of the ones they selected to run at home. I was devestated and desparately trying to rearrange my travel plans accordingly. :rotfl2:
I told you I had rocks in my head. Yes that is 3am. :earseek: We are crazy, but as you all know, the Holiday season is crazzzzzy, and that LR has to be run. :rotfl2:
Sunny, your dream had me :rotfl2: :rotfl2: :rotfl2:.

Did LR today. Did 11 miles. Felt nice and cool today so the run was easy. Trying to talk DH into goinging swimming with me this afternoon, but he is not really wanting to. I told him the "girls" would LOVE it. The girls being me, DD5, and DD7.5. :earboy2:
Hey all this talking about eating......I eat SOOOOOO much you all would :earseek:. Training makes me crazy for food! I can outeat my DH who is 6'4'', 210lbs. :teeth:

On that note, later all, Christa
Hey Guys!!! :wave:

I know, it's been a loooong time since I posted, but I've been reading all along. You guys are sooo funny. My husband was looking over my shoulder the other day & cracking up. It sounds as if everyone has been training like crazy! Goodness! I can't believe it's almost here :bounce: .

If you remember, last postings my knee was bothering me. I gave it a rest, started running again, & it's "ok". I ice both my knees after exercise, & heat them @ night. They usually hurt the day I run, & the day after, but by the next time they're ok. I see my visions of running the 1/2 in 130 minutes fading slowly. We'll see.

Last night I had some wicked pain in both knees while laying (lieing? you know what I mean) in bed. Sharp pain intermittently that I've never experienced before. Yaaayyy, new pains. Tomorrow I go to my massage thereapist/accupunturist guy. More pain :earseek: :rotfl: . Sweet!

Has anybody in the northeast finished building their ark yet? I'm finishing up tonight & loading the family in tomorrow. I've been forced on to a treadmill 2x b/c of this weather, hopefully we'll get some relief tomorrow.

Keep goin' everyone, we're almost there!!! I'll make it across that darn line if I have to crawl.

zoegirl said:
I would love to do the minnie marathon and the tri.....I just need to figure out a way to do all that if I'm pregnant :teeth: I've promised DH that we can try to start our family next year. I've been giving him the "one more marathon" excuse for almost three years, he might leave me if I try to put it off any more :blush: I really do want kids (actually I just want Christa's kids, I wonder if she's willing to let me borrow them?), I just don't want to slow down for pregnancy....I'm so selfish, my poor husband.
Bree, you can do it all! Yup, there was a very nice young lady that we walked with at the Chicago half from Team in Training in Atlanta. I think she was in charge of that in some capacity. Well anyway, she was preggo and had a sign whilst she was walking the half that she was doing it for 2. She said that she was going to take the medal from the event and place it in the baby's room. You can do that too!

Rest day here too. I am loving that. I already went out at lunch for a stroll, as in really a stroll. It is lovely here and I have to be out.

gotta chug...more later
Jodi said:
Hey Guys!!! :wave:

I know, it's been a loooong time since I posted, but I've been reading all along. You guys are sooo funny. My husband was looking over my shoulder the other day & cracking up. It sounds as if everyone has been training like crazy! Goodness! I can't believe it's almost here :bounce: .

If you remember, last postings my knee was bothering me. I gave it a rest, started running again, & it's "ok". I ice both my knees after exercise, & heat them @ night. They usually hurt the day I run, & the day after, but by the next time they're ok. I see my visions of running the 1/2 in 130 minutes fading slowly. We'll see.

Last night I had some wicked pain in both knees while laying (lieing? you know what I mean) in bed. Sharp pain intermittently that I've never experienced before. Yaaayyy, new pains. Tomorrow I go to my massage thereapist/accupunturist guy. More pain :earseek: :rotfl: . Sweet!

Has anybody in the northeast finished building their ark yet? I'm finishing up tonight & loading the family in tomorrow. I've been forced on to a treadmill 2x b/c of this weather, hopefully we'll get some relief tomorrow.

Keep goin' everyone, we're almost there!!! I'll make it across that darn line if I have to crawl.


You are not helping, Miss Jodi!!!! :earboy2: :wave: ;) Seriously--what has been your diagnosis and your modification to training?

Here's my...umm...story!

I have less than 2 weeks to make a decision---full or half. The knee thing is bugging me. At this point--I would love to hear that I either have weak muscles (that can be strengthened) or arthritis. Why arthritis? B/c it is a disease and not a freakin' broken or otherwised damaged knee. I have to tell you how distraught I am. Last year, it was the stupid flu...then I had a sacrum problem---so while I'm fixing that....and still running btw...a jack in the box rear ended me while I was at 45mph and he was about double that....and then I get achy knees....and then I get a cold...and then the knees are better...and then they are doing this.

So who ever I T'd off in any of my former lives....or any sins I have committed----I've learned my lesson...just knock it off buddy! How can you tease me with an awesome week and then debilitate me????

I feel like somebody upstairs is messing with my head!!! Higher purpose .... HAH!!! Did you see the medal, God??? Did you see it!!!!! Purpose--schmurpose.....a Disney medal!!! C'mon now...cut me some slack!!!

Okay--I feel better now. As you can see...my knee pain has affected my brain.

This is your knee....this is your brain on your knee. Any questions??? :rotfl2:

I'm going AMA and walk/running or run/walking or walking my mileage tomorrow. Water running in a pool for 2 hours....just doesn't seem so...scenic, KWIM?

The looney lady is getting of the DIS now. I promised you know who upstairs--and I'm sure I'm about to get busted with a lightening bolt any minute now. :badpc: :earboy2:

edited for a "what the heck moment".

I have my 3yo on my lap--and thus, my quads...complete, complete relief of knee symptoms...what is up with that???????
gatorphipps said:
but as you all know, the Holiday season is crazzzzzy, and that LR has to be run. :rotfl2:

I made sure to color holiday days pink on my training schedule so I don't forget to celebrate them :rotfl: Christmas Eve will be a 4AM run I think. Like others have said, usually I'm fanatical about Christmas but this year I am too busy looking past it to WDW to think about it!

Jodi and Lisa-- :grouphug: :wizard: :sunny: :goodvibes and any other good vibe I can send along to help with the knees. I hope they clear up for you.

An Ark is a good idea :umbrella: I'VE HAD ENOUGH :umbrella:

Hoping for :sunny: :sunny: :sunny: soooooooon!
Hi everyone,

This weather really sucks and with DH being gone for 2 weeks and being so busy with work and getting the kids to this and to that and doing everything else DH helps me with I haven't done that well with training.

I'm feeling so disgusted I'm even having second thoughts of going to Disney for the marathon this year. I don't have my room or air booked yet and ever since my mom canceled on me I can't get excited to think about it. I'm hoping that once DH is back next week and I get out of this funk (and the rain stops and the sun comes back) that maybe I'll feel better about going.

Sorry to post such a negative post I'm just feeling gloomy!
Just booked BCV for the Minnie marathon :cool1:

Thanks for letting us know about it, Lynne! I tried to get the DVC registration form, but the marathon people don't seem to have one ready yet :guilty: Maybe someday we can be on the Perfect 12 list for Minnie. BTW, did anyone notice that Jeff Galloway is on that list for the marathon?

When I told DH about Minnie, he said 15K sounded like a long run. I told him that was only 9.3 miles! Never, ever thought I would be able to say ONLY 9.3 miles. :rotfl:

And I'm very proud of myself today. I actually went to the Y for cross-training. :goodvibes

Y'all can register me for the cookie eating contest. I'm glad it's not just me that's seriously got the munchies lately :cake: :mickeybar

:wizard: For sunny weather to those that need it :sunny: and magic healing :wizard: pixie dust to zap away injuries. We're almost there guys! :moped:
Melanie and Lisa,I know just how you feel.I too am feeling very discouraged right now :sad2: I'm supposed to be running the full(my first!) but I injured myself doing speedwork over 2 weeks ago and it doesn't seem to be getting any better with rest and ice,etc. If I can't do my LR this Monday I'll be behind in my training and not sure how I'll catch up! I'm also in the process of interviewing for the job of my dreams and the suspense is killing me(this has been going on for 2 weeks too.) I just got off the phone with the woman I'm intervewing with and she wants me to come in again on Wed or maybe Friday,so it looks like I won't know anything for at least another week.Sorry to ramble,just want to let you know I feel your pain! ...BTW,did I mention I have 4 kids :crazy2:
WOW! Everyone seems to bumming out today. It'll be ok, I know it's because the :sunny: hasn't shined in about 9 days. Everyone's struggling w/ injuries, it sucks, I know.

Melanie - there are days I can't get excited about anything, it'll pass, it always does.

Eeyores mom - don't worry about falling behind. If you injured yourself doing speedwork, obviously you're a pretty accomplished athlete, right? You'll finish the marathon, it just may not be at the clip you wanted to be at. My knees are shot & my dream to run the 1/2 is almost gone, but at this point, it's ok too if I just walk it w/ my mom. I'll finish (and heck, we'll be at Disney World!!!) and have a margarita @ Mexico in EPCOT that night whether I finish in 2 hours or 31/2.

Lisa Loves Pooh - I've been diagnosed with MALS (middle-aged loser syndrome) :banana: Just watching that bananna move like that hurts my knees! Seriously, though, I just think I over-trained that one time back in August, rested for 10 days by not running, & just haven't fully gotten over it yet. I'll get more info tomorrow from my massage guru/therapist :worship: You should see a Dr., no?

My LR tomorrow is only 3 miles, I'm in between the weeks where LR are 5 & 6 miles in my MFM training program. I anyone in the same week I am for running a 1/2? Am I even on schedule? What the heck am I doing? I just strap on my garmin, stumble out the door & run (if you could call it that) until the thing on my wrist beeps to let me know that I'm done. Hopefully it's not too far a walk back home from wherever I am. My knees have gotten so bad that when I come to a decline I have to do this funky shuffle thing down the hill like Tim Conway in the old Carol Burnett shows. Anyone know what I'm talking about out there?

Ok, it's obvious I'm losing it, I'll check in with ya'll tomorrow.

:umbrella: Jodi :umbrella:
I did my 30 min of cross training today on the stationary bike. Tomorrow is supposed to be a 3 mile walk. Hopefully my lower back will feel better. It has hurt since doing the Race for the Cure at WDW last weekend. It seem I developed blisters on both little toes and the ball of my right foot while walking around on Friday. Because of them, I changed my gait to take the pressure off the blisters for the time at WDW. Now that the blisters no longer hurt, I can go back to walking normal.

I will probably use the treadmill for my 3 miles as it is supposed to continue raining tomorrow and maybe clear off by next Tuesday. I am also going to work so it may be dark when I walk.

Went to PT 2 days this week for my shoulder and neck. It will be another month if not longer before I can begin strengthening the shoulder. The surgeon I wanted to do the surgery (but she was on leave) said it could take anywhere from 4 - 6 months before the pain finally goes away and up to a year before I have the strength back. The surgeon that did my shoulder is the same one she had do the carpel tunnel surgery on both her hands. Lynne said she must have felt he was the best since her hands are her livelihood. I won't be doing much upper body strengthening before the half.

Everyone, good luck on your LR's tomorrow.
Had a busy week this week! Managed a 12 mile long run this morning. Awk, it was a tough go! Note to self....do not do 45 minutes on the stairclimber for cross-training the day before a long run. I usually just do resistance training, but with Wednesday a rest day, I was anxious to get doing something. DO NOT DO STAIRCLIMBER!!

All this talk about eating snacks, my problem snacks are the salty ones...chips, pretzels, etc. I also crave Bloody Mary's!

eyeoresmom :wizard: for that injury. I hope you feel better.

MelanieC I know you will get out of that "funk" you are in!! All the best to you. :flower:

Christa, good job on your 11 miles today. I couldn't even think about swimming after my LR, I did get to watch DS8 play soccer tonight. I like :cheer2: being a soccer mom!

Bree, glad you are feeling better. Do you or Christa know anything about the half- marathon in Charlotte on November 19th? Is it pretty hilly? Is it well run? I am thinking about trying to better my time so I am in a higher corral. Right now I have a 2:14 half time that I summitted, but I would like to get under 2:10, if 2:10 is the cutoff for the "B corral".

O.k. everyone-out of the funk. You didnt let me quit so I'm not going to let you quit. If I can get my big butt across that finish line anyone can! We've come this far, no looking back now!!!!!!

I've had trouble focusing this week on my training(took 1 extra off day) because the boys are home on fall break. If I dont exercise in the a.m. it's hard for me to get it done.

Lisa-your story was hilarious!

Minnie-that's right, just get those steps in

Mel-So cool you've already signed up for the Minnie. I'm hoping to be there. I'll have to wait & see how things go. I was the same way when I told DH about it & that it was "only" 9 miles. No biggie right :bitelip:

Jodi-My LR this weekend is supposed to be 3 miles, but since I have time I think I'm going to repeat the 5 miler. I'm coming from behind athletically speaking & want to catch up.

Colleen- 5 min on the stairclimber has me walking bow legged the next day

Good luck to everyone in getting healthy, injury free & putting in those all important steps!
OH, and I told my mom that I had our next 2 events lined up so we dont start slacking after January(she's doing the 1/2 with me) When I mentioned the Minnie she was o.k. with that but when I told her about the Tri she said "what do you think I am, I'm an old lady remember!" She's never been a good swimmer so I think it's definately out.

I'm considering it but I have a thing about lake water. It really grosses me out. Not to mention that swimming 400 yds would probably kill me. Do they realize how hot it is there in May?
Tiff- I know what you mean about the lake water. Gross! :eek:
I did the 1/2 ironman triathlon in 2004. We had to swim in the lake off FW.
Green, with seaweed (or kelp or whatever!) It was freaking me out.
I want to try another tri, though. Maybe the shorter one in May would be better since I'm just starting out. (The 1/2 IM was my first ever tri and unfortunately I got leg cramps about 25 miles into the bike and ended up not finishing :sad1:



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