My Dad was selected as CM of the Quarter!

<FONT SIZE=3 COLOR=BLUE><B>Congrats Beanie's Dad!!</font></b>

What a great thing, I bet you are very proud, I would be. :)
Congratulations to your dad, Beanie! :)
That's wonderful news, Beanie!! I had no idea that your Dad was a CM!! Congratulations to him for doing such a terrific job!!! I hope he and your Mom enjoy their dinner at Cape May. It is one of our favorite places to eat.
A great big congratulations to Beanie's Dad!!! :earsboy: That's awesome!

Feel free to unlurk and join the fun, Beanie's Dad... we'd love to have you posting! :sunny:
Hey Beanie's Dad... Way to Go....We are all very proud of you for your accomplishments.. Hope you enjoyed the meal, maybe we will get to meet you at DisCon... :D :D
:bounce:Too cool, Trish!!:bounce:

I met Beanie's incredible Dad back in April and he deserves to be CM of the Year! Both of her parents are just aDORable!!

Give Dad a BIG hug for me and Michael! He deserves it BIG TIME!
That is great, Trish!!!!! Nothing beats a good bus driver!!! Congratulations, dad!!! :bounce:

That is so cool:cool: Congrats Beanie's Dad!

Will we have the pleasure of meeting him at Dis-ConII?
Congratulations. I always have had the best dervice when I go through EPCOT on the buses.
Like the day I was waiting for a bus to AKL from EPCOT and it started to thunder and lightening. I was in a power wheelchair and the driver did not have a key to the lift for some reason. Another driver pulled up, lent her a key and got me on the bus and sent me safely off to AKL just before the rains started. They didn't feel it was safe for me to wait there for another bus to arrive.
Cool! Congratulations to your dad!!! Way to go! :) :bounce: :bounce:
Congrats to your Dad Beanie, I'm sure you are all very proud of him!


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