"I Only Run in Purple." - Anisum's Road PRs in 2018

Yikes on the dead body!

Otherwise the week looks great and exciting that you and Keels will be on the same cruise!
I almost hit like on your post the the last paragraph made me pause. Anyways, overall looks like a productive week both for running and for errands/shopping, so that's neat!!!
I hit like but I am liking everything but that last paragraph. :worried:
I got a new bathing suit for my cruise (which I just found out @Keels will be on too!!!) and some nice summer clothes that I will be able to wear as soon as I get out of the cold mess that is winter staying too long.

In other news Winter continues to haunt me into Spring as it dumped another foot of snow yesterday. I don't even know what to do with that. It also always happens on 5 day running weeks so I feel I must be cursed. Hopefully I'll be able to get in a run tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday because unless some serious melting occurs I won't have a safe path to run on today.
Week 7:
Monday: 4 mi @ EA
Wednesday: 4 mi @ EB
Thursday: 1 mile WU + 5 x 1 mile @ HMS w/ 2 min RI @ WU + 1 mile CD
Saturday: 6 mi @ EB + Strides
Sunday: 8 mi @ LR

So this past week I had planned to get all my runs in on the day they were scheduled. The weather had other plans however. I did my Monday run as scheduled but there were rumors of snow so I did my Wednesday run on Tuesday. Just like two weeks prior we had a foot of snow on Wednesday. That meant I had to postpone my Thursday run. I decided to pick it up Friday but I also had my first spin class set up for Friday. So I changed at work went to a local running path and did my run, got in the car, changed into cycling shorts and a tank, and drove to spinning.

My initial analysis of spinning is that it's hard. I can do positions one (sitting on my butt) and two (standing) pretty well it's three (leaning forward) that I struggled with. I haven't put in heavy training on my bike. Usually it's kind of just group rides at a not challenging pace so I think spinning will really help improve my cycling by working those muscles. I won't be going more than one day a week at most (running is top priority until May) but it was a great experience. A family friend who is an experienced spinner joined me and even brought me a clean headband and a gel from home since I forgot to take fuel on my run.

Saturday I planned to run but my muscles were sore from spinning and I didn't want to push it. Sunday I got my long run in and it was good.

I had considered making up my Saturday run on Monday or even just starting this week early so I didn't have to run on Easter but the ongoing water pipe replacement throughout town left me with 0 water so I wouldn't have been able to shower before work. I also ran into the same issue this morning but they gave a strict end time so I'll be able to run and shower this afternoon.

Week 8:
Tuesday: 4 mi @ EB + Strides
Thursday: 1 mile WU + 2 x 2.5 mile @ HMS w/ 2 min RI @ WU + 1 mile CD
Saturday: 5 mi @ EB + Strides
Sunday: 5 mi @ LR (BLIND!)

I feel very cursed. Getting all of my runs in as planned has not been my strong suit recently. I knew I would be going away for a short vacation soon so I decided to push my schedule forward by a day each day this week. So Monday I did my Tuesday run, which was all good, a little colder than I would like for almost April but whatever. Wednesday I did my Thursday run, which was good. My main problem with this run was I had planned to pack my running clothes so I could stop at the paved trail which is perfect for a run of that length but I forgot my sports bra. That meant heading home, running to the trail, getting picked up with half a mile left and doing the last half a mile at home. Friday I was ready to run, I put on my rain jacket and hat since it was raining and I got going and then nearly two miles in I started to feel shaky. It's not something that normally happens on runs. The only times I've ever had it happen was after my first 10 miler and that time there was a gas leak in town when I was running and I felt lightheaded with being shaky. I got picked up because something wasn't going right and I just didn't want to risk anything. Saturday I put my bike in the shop because it's almost time to start triathlon training. When I went for my run in the afternoon everything felt fine and I did my run as normal.

This week I will be on a flight on Wednesday so I figured I would do my Wednesday and Thursday runs today and tomorrow and then do my Monday run on Thursday since I'll be in a new area and my Saturday run on Friday and then my Sunday run either on Saturday or after I get home Sunday afternoon. Unless anyone has a better way of working it.

The upcoming week looks like:
Monday: 4 mi @ EA
Wednesday: 4 mi @ EB
Thursday: 1 mile WU + 5 x 1 mile @ HMS w/ 2 min RI @ WU + 1 mile CD
Saturday: 6 mi @ EB + Strides
Sunday: 9 mi @ LR
Week 9:
Monday: 4 mi @ EA
Wednesday: 4 mi @ EB
Thursday: 1 mile WU + 5 x 1 mile @ HMS w/ 2 min RI @ WU + 1 mile CD
Saturday: 6 mi @ EB + Strides
Sunday: 9 mi @ LR

This past week was a hot mess. As mentioned I was travelling later in the week and was concerned about getting runs in. I dutifully did my Wednesday and Thursday runs on Monday and Tuesday before I left. Then I made a mistake. I was going down to Tennessee and from further up north on the east coast, I foolishly thought that when I saw 60s in the weather forecast as the highs that I should bring "summer" running clothes which are really spring/fall/summer running clothes made up of a singlet and capri length running leggings. After all, how could this fail?

It was in the mid 30s to low 40s every morning when I woke up. If it got up to 60 (it didn't most days) it did not do so until 4-5pm. Needless to say I struggled to get runs in. I got one in on Thursday (my Monday run) as promised but it was too cold Friday morning to attempt it in the clothes I brought. Friday afternoon there was rain which I didn't have appropriate running clothes for and Saturday I think the high was 45. Sunday I was just wiped by the time I got off the plane.

This week I should have better luck since when I leave again I am going even further south and the forecast is reporting highs in the 70s and 80s.

In the meantime I am trying to figure out if I should get a run in today to make up for Saturday or Sunday or just call it a wash? @DopeyBadger any suggestions?
I'd say just move on from the missed runs. Pushing runs into the next week just makes the next week harder than intended. You'll be fine!
I've been behind on journal reading, but catching up now. We've struggled of late as well on training runs, but we are just trying our best to move on and make this week better! You will too.
I've been behind on writing up my journal. In fact I don't entirely recall when I ran each time these past two weeks. I know I tried to keep to my schedule but some days that seemed to be easier than others. It very much came down to what I was doing while on vacation.

I left for a Disney cruise after completing planned training runs between 4/9-4/13. I joined my friends on board and we had a ton of fun. On Saturday I woke up early so I did a few miles with one friend who also woke up early before heading back to the room to get a. All the pictures at meet and greets b. Palo brunch. I was my first time getting brunch at Palo (I previously had dinner there) and it was outstanding. So delicious. I could actually skip the little buffet and just order more of their parmesan chicken. YUM! I would highly recommend it. I know we hung out by the pool a lot and we rode the aqua duck. We also did beverage seminars! Mixology was my favorite because while I loved it on other Disney cruises, on those we only made about half the drinks, with the rest being pre-prepared. On this we made all of them and it was a lot of fun. Also on the cruise I got to meet Keels. She was wearing her Mickey Mouse Club shirt that said Keels so it was easy to find her. I got to talk to her for a few before the Castaway Cay 5k on Sunday. We also saw her on the course and agreed that the 5k is actually a terrible idea. It's always so hot. That day I lounged in the sun post 5k and then snorkeled the entire snorkel area to get underwater pictures. It was a very successful time.

Post cruise we were in Disney for two days and I will admit I failed to run there. I got to do a Star Wars VR experience at The Void in Disney Springs and an escape room though. We also did Moonlight Magic in Animal Kingdom which was amazing. I got to go through the regular line for Flights of Passage because it was a 20 minute wait and I will say the line itself is very nice. Not 4 hours nice but I like the interactive things they made.

Once I got back home, I think I ran once prior to my half marathon on Saturday. I spent most of my free time between getting home and the half catching up on sleep because Disney is exhausting. My goal going into the half was kind of start out between 12:15-12:30 (the pace for the PR I wanted but not my A pace) and run based on feel. The first few miles I actually went out right around 12:15 (12:17, 12:14, 12:03, 12:16). Then we got away from the shore and into the very wealthy housing section. On the beach I frequent we would have called this section "the gardens" but in the area I ran it was just year round houses of a wealthy. They range in style from very modern to 70s sheik. I passed time by rating them on a scale from 1-10. Miles 4-8 continue through this area and I slowed down a bit but was still within the desired range (12:20, 12:22, 12:26, 12:22). Around mile 8 my friends (who ran the 5k) cheered me on as I reached the boardwalk. I threw them my disgusting long sleeve shirt that I had struggled to get off half a mile back. I really appreciated their taking care of it for me. It was a throw away but also a tech shirt so it will make a good throwaway another day. By then it was warming up. The boardwalk was open to the public who overall did not seem to care there was a race going on. I know the @DopeyBadger school of thought it general don't weave too much because it won't help in the end but when you're weaving around people out for their morning stroll I think it counts as an exception to that rule. Luckily we were pulled on and off the boardwalk several times until we got to a less crowded portion and then running became easier. Around this time I slowed down. I could have pushed it, a part of me even wanted to push it. I was on track for a PR though without pushing so I didn't because my A race for this training plan is the 10 miler two weeks from now. So I continued to run based on feel and clocked in at 12:35, 12:54, 13:16, 13:18, and 12:53 for the last few miles. I kicked at the end and I came in with a 2:45:05 which is a 9 minute PR on my 2016 2:54:18. I feel pretty accomplished with that. Sure if it had been my A race I probably would have shaved off another minute or two by pushing but reaching 2:45 has been my goal for a long time and to achieve it was amazing. Now I just need to keep training for another week or two and hopefully I can reach a sub 2hr 10 miler.
Once I got back home, I think I ran once prior to my half marathon on Saturday. I spent most of my free time between getting home and the half catching up on sleep because Disney is exhausting. My goal going into the half was kind of start out between 12:15-12:30 (the pace for the PR I wanted but not my A pace) and run based on feel. The first few miles I actually went out right around 12:15 (12:17, 12:14, 12:03, 12:16). Then we got away from the shore and into the very wealthy housing section. On the beach I frequent we would have called this section "the gardens" but in the area I ran it was just year round houses of a wealthy. They range in style from very modern to 70s sheik. I passed time by rating them on a scale from 1-10. Miles 4-8 continue through this area and I slowed down a bit but was still within the desired range (12:20, 12:22, 12:26, 12:22). Around mile 8 my friends (who ran the 5k) cheered me on as I reached the boardwalk. I threw them my disgusting long sleeve shirt that I had struggled to get off half a mile back. I really appreciated their taking care of it for me. It was a throw away but also a tech shirt so it will make a good throwaway another day. By then it was warming up. The boardwalk was open to the public who overall did not seem to care there was a race going on. I know the @DopeyBadger school of thought it general don't weave too much because it won't help in the end but when you're weaving around people out for their morning stroll I think it counts as an exception to that rule. Luckily we were pulled on and off the boardwalk several times until we got to a less crowded portion and then running became easier. Around this time I slowed down. I could have pushed it, a part of me even wanted to push it. I was on track for a PR though without pushing so I didn't because my A race for this training plan is the 10 miler two weeks from now. So I continued to run based on feel and clocked in at 12:35, 12:54, 13:16, 13:18, and 12:53 for the last few miles. I kicked at the end and I came in with a 2:45:05 which is a 9 minute PR on my 2016 2:54:18. I feel pretty accomplished with that. Sure if it had been my A race I probably would have shaved off another minute or two by pushing but reaching 2:45 has been my goal for a long time and to achieve it was amazing. Now I just need to keep training for another week or two and hopefully I can reach a sub 2hr 10 miler.
Woot! Way to go!
Sounds like the cruise was really fun! Congrats on your new PR! I love when I can PR on a training run.


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