Dental Crown-Cost??


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Oct 23, 2001
What do you pay for a regular porcelain crown? I am sure there are different types, just trying to get a ballpark figure. 3 years ago mine was $550. Yesterday they told me it would be $780 for the same type:eek: ! Said the prices DID go up. I think I am switching dentists since insurance will barely cover any of this!:rolleyes: Just curious what others pay before I act and switch. He is a wonderful dentist though.
I paid $740 in January for a crown (molar). That was after paying about the same for the root canal. Yipes!
I paid $250 for mine 10 years ago. My SO paid $475 for his (he got it at the same time, different dentist. I still have mine-it's in good shape, he had to have his tooth removed:p ). Not sure what the prices are nowadays. Thank goodness I have dental insurance!
I don't know anything about crowns but I can sympathize about the dental insurance thing. I had my wisdom teeth cut out and it maxed out my coverage for the year so now I have to pay everything else out of pocket until it rolls over again. :rolleyes:
I am getting one next week for $540, a friend is getting one for over $700. Different dentists. We are in a rural area where costs are generally lower. I don't think your price is out of line, but agree that it is quite a shock when they quote the cost!!
Thanks guys. Thing is that to go to this dentist, we have a "worse" dental insurance plan(because he is pricey and good insurance plan does not accept him:rolleyes: ). My Mom has the plan and dentist we may switch to(if she can get us in!), her crown was $550 and insurance pays over half(they told me they would only pay $90-$180 for this one when I called today). Must decide. This was not even a molar, hate to know if that costs more!
My last filling was $129 for a little bitty one :mad: ! Our insurance plan only paid $29 pathetic $$:eek:.
My last crown cost $950--for a slightly complicated crown on a molar. Unfortunately, dental insurance only covered $150 of it.
YIKES ead79:eek: !! Somehow, you have made me feel better.
Mine was not complicated at all. In fact they were just replacing a broken crown that was about 6 yrs old. I should have been a dentist.
What is strange is my children's pediatric dentist seems so cheap. Poor thing. Insurance pays for most all of theirs, though they have never really had a procedure. DD did have a baby tooth extracted this morning(been a dental emergency week :rolleyes: !). But the charges were minimal.
I got one about six months ago. My insurance pays about half. We paid about $350 I think. They are just high!
My DH was quoted 950 by his dentist. He told him for that price we would shop around the dentist was dumbfounded because we have great insurance. what he doesn't get is we are only covered 1250 perperson per year. After asking around I got a prcie range of 600-950...hope it helps!
Wow DisorBust. Wish I had done that! Big difference. I did not ask until I was checking out with the temp. crown already in my mouth:rolleyes: ! I assumed it would be inline with the last one. I forgot they added a wing to the building, guess I am paying for that;) !
Fortunately for me and my bad teeth, I have great dental insurance. I just got 2 porcelin crowns that cost $550 total for both
I spent $800 on a crown in 1997. It was a front tooth, and I needed it to look good. I actually spent much more than $800, closer to $1300. Because it was a broken front tooth, I needed a steel post and build up on the tooth. This is after the root canal and 12 years with bonding on that tooth. The dentist would not do anything permanent, as your teeth continue to gow until you are in your mid 20s. Then I decided to get a veneer on the other front tooth, so it would match the crown. The dentist (who I have gone to since I was 12 years old) linked me up with Care Credit. I was able to make payments on my teeth - one year interest free! I payed it off in a year, never had to pay interest!:D I don't have dental insurance, so the cost was all out of pocket.

But, I now have a great set of teeth! (With there was a smiley for a big, toothy grin!)

:earsgirl: Krissy
I spent $800 on my last one, last year. This year I have a new (more up to date) dentist and it will be $950 for post and crown. I'm having done in Sept. The good news is my dental insurance will pay half! This is my 5th and the first time it will be covered partially by insurance:D

$780doesn't sound's worth it to save a tooth
I have never had to have a "post". Not sure what that would involve($$), hope I don't have to find out:rolleyes: ;) ! All I have had are simple crowns. I did have a root canal once, and it did cost as much as the crown. I also went through teeth bleaching last year. I guess it is worth it, though I do need to change insurance plans!
:teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: :teeth: -I missed this guy!
Want my 20K+ bill for a bridge and implants, yes DENTAL Implants.

I think you'll see all dentists ar about the same for someone who has insurance since most carriers pay the basically the same. Cash payers do get a break from my experience.
My last crown three years ago was $750 with no insurance. Luckily we don't have very many dental emergencies.


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