Canadian DVC Members - 198 - List on Page 1

yxe dad

DIS Veteran
Jun 5, 2005
I'm wondering if there is already a thread going listing Canadian only DVC members?
I've recently bought into the AKV and would like to know how many of us there are from the "frozen north" who prefer to spend our vacation time with Mickey!
I know of a thread on the DVC forums asking for DIS DVC members to count themselves. As Canadians we may have different issues that come up. It may be helpful to have a list of Members that are in the same boat, or at least the same country for us new DVC Members to lean on? Just a thought!
Thanks for reading,

Here's the LIST

ABCanada, abdmom, Agent j, ahalla, albertagirl, a.little.goofy,, Aubie881

bababear 50, bbangel, bbrnca, bdtracey, belle1627, Betty X, BitsnBearsMom, blizzard, bluenosemickey, Buffetboy, b-1

CanadianDH, Canadian Disney Mom, candielips, candizfan, capricornview, CdnKayDee, cdn ears,Cdn Tink, Chester's Mum, Chickkypoo, claire ont, cpbjgc, Cruiser1969, cslittle999

daddio, daver, Dave McCullough, dhluvsDisney, disEAR, disnanny, disney0210, disney 180, Disney Dad Canada, disneyfreak89, Disney Kim, disneykins, Disney Mama, disyady, DougEMG, DSW96, Dream Chasers, drskw, dsneygirl, Dutchsmommy, dvcdisney, dvc deernut

Eeyoreloverforever, Eveningsong, explorer1977

farmboy&farmergirl, Fellowship9798, flexo, fraser2009, frozenmickey, f4disneyfan

garytam, Goofy's apprentice, granolacruncher11

Ham Ham, happydvcmember, HaveBLT WillTravel, hematite153, hfxcawin, hockeymom, Hockey Mom KQ, holidaygirl, howboutnow, House of Mouse Fan

iluveeyore, Ilyo, Inga

Jamester, jenkh, joech, jmtf2004, jtaylor123, Jump4Joy8390

Katscradle, keaster, kevinedenmarg, KiKi Mouse, Kurby

LadyKay, Lalita, LauraLap, leannwith3, LeeFamily, Leitadala, lisaviolet, lordnamis, louise-montreal, Louiepipbgeeco, lulukate

mackeyapp, madge62, maryann4086, Meaghanqt, mickeymorse, michellev, mickeywho?, MikeJ, mike2023, MJGirl, MomDad&2boys, mommylo, mommy-2-princesses, mom_rules, monkeyknuckler, montrealdisneylovers, MtlFire, murcor, My 2 Princesses

nagel, narmforever, Newcastle, Nigel8600, NikP, nluvwithmickey, nutc4disney

okw2012, OnMedic, On the Lake, ont/ohana, Oshawa, OvertheRainbow

papertraveller, peacefrogdog, perfectparanoia, petbren, pinner 33, PixieNorth, pkitty, Polarone, polyhm83, Poppins62, pxlbarrel

Raptorfan, realfam, RevKjb, rmherder, Rob & Jan, RookieMouse

satman1962, Saratoga Souris, Scratch 42, sean-1966, sechelf, sev, Sharptooth, Shelebeen, Sheribo, skiloff, snarfieca, sparky309442, Splash Mom, ssrdvcmember, Stefanspops, supernurse99, surfer ed, susanv

tabetha, TagsMissy, tbay, tgropp, tigger&mickey, tiggerrr, tiggerrulz, Tiger926, tink1969, TLPL, tmli, tobidisney, Torontogal, Treft Family, TressyB

U2FanHfx, Ukie Mouse

vikkii19, Vodo

walkena, WDWBOB1, WDWcanuck, wdwr, Wilec


yxe dad

3guysandagal, 4boys4us, 4stroke

For those of you looking for more info I got the following link to Mousesavers, it's a bit of a read but a lot of great info!
Welcome Home!

Yes, there was a thread a while back but really there are no great issues except to enjoy it!

Welcome Home! My issue is not only Canadian related.... addonitis is something all DVC'ers have to deal with at one point or another... Really wish I could afford more points! Or justify it :rolleyes1
Welcome Home! (Though I guess they'll just say Jambo at AKV).

I have to admit, my next case of addonitis is likely going to be treated by an AKV purchase as well. Enjoy DVC, I know we really do!
Me and hubby are talking about buying into DVC ...he seems really intrested I am leaning toward AKV !!!
We just bought into SSR and are taking our first trip home in May. We are really excited about being DVCrs! :thumbsup2
We bought DVC in 2005 and have had two DVC vacations. First one was at BWV and second at SSR. They were both by far the best Disney vacations we have ever had. We are so happy to have invested into DVC and look forward to buying more points some day.....:cheer2: WELCOME HOME:cheer2:
Wlecome aboard. We bought in 2005 as well and have gone the SSR, BCV and recently Vero.

I have the bug too and am thinking hard about AKV.
Welcome home!!

As with everyone else my only issue is the dreaded addonitis - might have to look at adding on some pts at aklv!
We bought a resale VWL in summer of 2005 and have already been to SSR, OKW, BCV, VWL and DL on points. 2 other trips on tap. Definitely will be adding on at some point, maybe when kid #2 appears.
We bought a resale at HHI last year and have already been hit by addonitis twice, once at SSR and once at AKV. We had 4 contracts but just sold our original HHI. We love our DVC and it is one of the best decisions we have made for our families future enjoyment.
We love our DVC and as corney as the adds may sound....we too"wish we had done it sooner". We have used our DVC to the max, I have borrowed so many points, my sister ( also a memeber) has transferred points to me and now I am adding on more points.

I think as canadians the "yanks" don't appreciate the exchange rate that we have to pay and the major expedition to "get down there"

We recently stayed at HHI and loved it and will return. Flying from Buffalo is the best bet ( if you are not driving) but I always laugh to myself when I hear of people "driving 7 hours just to get there!!!" ( dont we wish)

I think as canadians the "yanks" don't appreciate the exchange rate that we have to pay and the major expedition to "get down there"
Your right :thumbsup2

Its not cheap to fly with a family to get down there so we try to have enough pts for at least 10 - 12 days. This year we are going for 16 :cloud9:
I cant wait...too bad its not until Jan !
Hey, can anyone help with adding on points? I'm live in Sask so I had to purchase into the AKV while in Florida on my last trip. My question is now that I'm a member can I add-on points from home or do I still have to be in Florida.
Count us in on the Canucker list.

WE love disney and are brainwashing our daughter (18 mths) already :thumbsup2

we purchased 210 at AKV and can't wait until next year when we can book our first DVC trip.

I guess the only problem I have so far is the financing we get as Canadians. I am not impressed that just because we don't live in the US and therefore don't have a credit score in the US we get standard rates.

so we'll be taking out a personal loan next year and paying it off and get the lower rates here - plus we won't be subject to the flexing dollar.

other then that - we're good to go. :woohoo: :banana: :cheer2:
Hey, can anyone help with adding on points? I'm live in Sask so I had to purchase into the AKV while in Florida on my last trip. My question is now that I'm a member can I add-on points from home or do I still have to be in Florida.

Very Very likely you can only add-on while in Florida. We are in Manitoba, and we can only add on while in Florida. The only province I know of that can add on from home is Ontario, and that is because the population, and the number of people they have buying, warrents them to do the proper real estate registration thing. Sorry.


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