Can I formally intorduce myself


Babcia Extraordinaire/B-Elder YaYa
Sep 5, 2001
Hi everyone

I have been here on the DIS for a while. First I just lurked and enjoyed it so much decided to participate.

I am starting to feel I have some great friends on the board, and I truly hope some of you feel you are getting to know me better.

My name is Marilyn, and DH is Charlie (we have nicknames for each other but I think I will keep those to myself for now because that is what I would use for my new name).

Question. Has anyone ever changed their name? When I first came on the boards I truly was a "newmousecateer", but I don't feel I am "new" anymore. If I change my name, will you all still know who I am, and more importantly, will I get to keep my number of posts and my special tag from the TF?

Please give me some feedback.

All of you are great :bounce: Thanks
I think the nice people on the tech board can fix your name for you.:D
I think you can keep your post count. I would ask on the technical support board for help with this they are really helpful over there.

You will always be part of our community no matter what your user name is :)
Oh thanks a bunch Jason :teeth:

I know who YOU are though. You make me laugh. Love your posts.

Hope you get to know me better. :bounce:
Yes, ask on the Tech Board, I do know some folks have had their names changed and maintained there 'history'. But I do like your name now. :earsgirl:

Are we going to see you at any Chicago DIS meets? There is one in Milwaukee next Saturday, Aug 3rd. :)
Sounds like a vote for keeping the name I have now. Thanks guys :bounce:

Dan, I wish I could, but I am having a bridal shower for my future daughter in law on Aug 4. I appreciate the invitation though. Also, just as a side line, I have a "condition" that does not allow me to drive very far. Can only drive kind of close to home.
Hi, thanks for participating. Another vote here for you not to change your name.:)

I think I'm Shannon.;)
Glad to get to know more about you! I think you ought to keep your name! I love it just the way it is :)
Thanks Kama89. I am going to do just that.


Don't know if there is a "line" where Jason is concerned :teeth:
Originally posted by JasonLyons
you dont know where the lins is unless you cross it

Jason, is this the line? ________________________________

I dare you to cross it.:p
howdy! :wave:

I'm Jules!!

I like your old name too!!

Jason-you just crack me up! :teeth:


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