A Trip to the World Changed Our World

Poor Kira. Can I just say that I have experienced her plight myself.

Your food looks relish - especially the desserts. I have never eaten at CRT but if I ever have a granddaughter she will be dining there for sure.

That picture of Zoe with her new friends is absolutely adorable! So cute!

Looks like an overall nice experience.

I wish that Kira didn't have to go through that on her birthday. I think she still had a nice day though!

Definitely take a granddaughter there!!! CRT is very special. The food isn't to die for (IMHO) but the experience is awesome!
Doesn't sound like a good way to spend your birthday.

The food looked good.
I can not for the life of me remember much of what we did after we left lunch. :confused3 Strange as it is... looking back at pictures I don't have any from either camera. The girls dont have any. Where did we end up? :rotfl:

I do know that we did not plan a dinner ADR since we had the lunch we did and were planning to meet back up with B and L for the Wishes Dessert party.

This was another aspect of our trip that B took care of and booked. I believe she then had to check us in and did so before we arrived...meaning that we had to do some verification of who we were in order to get our bracelets. It is all fuzzy in my memory.

Zoe and I were behind Kira and Amanda (were we having a restroom issue :confused:) So Kira and Amanda were first to arrive. B had already got us a table and was seated there when Zoe and I did arrive. We got our bracelets easy enough and were able to find them.

If memory serves, B took Zoe around to show her the selection as the girls and I also oo'd and ah'd over what was put out.

Everything looked so good. (even thought this picture doesn't make it seem so)

The selections while pretty, were one variation or another of a pudding or mousse. (which to me all seemed like flavored whipped cream ) I think I was odd man out on this call... but I wasn't impressed with it. I think everyone else (except for perhaps Zoe) was happy. I would have just like something that I had to chew.

The evening itself with B and L was a bit odd.. and I wasn't sure if I was misreading or if tension was building. We did not speak much that evening. :sad1:

The rain began to come down and we were glad to be under cover. It did present a bit of a problem when it came to firework viewing.

I ended up moving to another area to get some shots. I didn't get rained on hardly at all...

After Wishes was over, we had just enough time to head to one ride. What ride?

You can tell by Kira's hair how much it had been raining. I can't remember where B and L headed off to, but it was not with us. I am not even sure they signaled to let us know they were leaving. :sad1:

Did I say one last ride? Well, that was for some of us. Kira though had to get her one last favorite birthday ride in.

Despite the rain and the fact the park was closing we managed to get this pp picture...one of my favorites of the trip.

Next Up: 10/3 - Day 9 Part 1
Great update, Ann! :goodvibes
How fun to find someone who has "holes" in their trip report of times they can't remember what happened. ;) Ever so often I need to ask Tom about what we did at any given time, as I completely forget. :rotfl:

Sorry to hear about the dessert party. I am pretty sure, when we last went they had some "solid" staples as well as I remember several different cookies and brownies. Didn't they have any chocolate covered strawberries? They are one of my favourites. Everything that comes in a "glass" is pretty much creamy stuff there, you are definitely right. :thumbsup2

I love your Buzz Lightyear photos! And Kira got one more SM ride! Good for the birthday girl! Love the photo of all of you in front of the castle at the end of the day! :goodvibes

Ann, I got your PM and am going to answer it in a few minutes. :thumbsup2
Great update, Ann! :goodvibes
How fun to find someone who has "holes" in their trip report of times they can't remember what happened. ;) Ever so often I need to ask Tom about what we did at any given time, as I completely forget. :rotfl:

Ya know... I think it was either this trip or the fact I am getting older... but I have never had more trouble recalling events. Of course... we are how many months out now? :rotfl2: ::yes:: that could have something to do with it too.

Sorry to hear about the dessert party. I am pretty sure, when we last went they had some "solid" staples as well as I remember several different cookies and brownies. Didn't they have any chocolate covered strawberries? They are one of my favourites. Everything that comes in a "glass" is pretty much creamy stuff there, you are definitely right. :thumbsup2

I think there were some solid food items at the party. I believe some cookies... and some strawberries.. but I think they went fast. :scratchin I seem to remember Zoe wanting one of the strawberries and they being out of them.

I love your Buzz Lightyear photos! And Kira got one more SM ride! Good for the birthday girl! Love the photo of all of you in front of the castle at the end of the day! :goodvibes

Thanks. I know that Kira loves to try to fit one more thing in... I am glad she was able to on her birthday. :goodvibes

Ann, I got your PM and am going to answer it in a few minutes. :thumbsup2

Cool. :goodvibes I know it is just silly of me. I was just excited and wanted to share....even if it doesn't happen. Honestly, I keep flip flopping one moment to the next. One minute it is "yes, this is going to happen" to the next being " maybe it won't happen" I will be sure and let you know if it does. I have been reading so much more than last year. Even coming across scary rumors...that had me all worked up until I realized it was only a rumor. :rolleyes:
Hahaha I always seem to have the "I have absolutely no idea what happened here" holes in my TR too!

Your lunch at CRT looks nice, despite the drama!! And how fun to do the dessert party - we've never done that before, but how cool to relax, eat dessert, and watch Wishes!! :thumbsup2
CRT looked like the perfect place to celebrate! Love all the pictures of Zoe and the princesses!

Ahhh, rain but at least you were covered and dessert...what better? I remember you texting that night...sorry that such fun things planned that day the tension had to build...
I have always wanted to do the dessert party but something tells me not to. All the people in front would have bothered me. The food looked good.

I have had reports where I could nto remember what happened.

Great update and pics.
Hahaha I always seem to have the "I have absolutely no idea what happened here" holes in my TR too!

I never did quite as bad as for this trip. Although the mystery of what happened that afternoon may have been solved. We did have an afternoon where we went to the pool.... I wonder if that isn't in fact what we did.

Your lunch at CRT looks nice, despite the drama!! And how fun to do the dessert party - we've never done that before, but how cool to relax, eat dessert, and watch Wishes!! :thumbsup2

It was fun to do both CRT and the dessert party. I probably would have done neither if it were not for the prompting of B. She was great at getting me to step outside my comfort zone and try something new :goodvibes

CRT looked like the perfect place to celebrate! Love all the pictures of Zoe and the princesses!

It was a perfect day in so many ways!

Ahhh, rain but at least you were covered and dessert...what better? I remember you texting that night...sorry that such fun things planned that day the tension had to build...

Tension may have just been me. Maybe I blew it out of proportion in my head... maybe I read to much into things. However since communication just wasn't great... who knows...

I have always wanted to do the dessert party but something tells me not to. All the people in front would have bothered me. The food looked good.

Given that I currently take medication to help regulate my insulin... it probably isn't the most wise thing to have dessert for dinner like we did... but to be honest... I dont think I gorged myself on it. Between feeling like I was on someones bad side... and the rain.. and yes...even the crowd, I think I just wasn't feeling like eating a lot. Add in that a good percentage of the desserts were "soft" ones like pudding or mousse... :sad2: yeah... but it was fun and someday I WILL do it again.

I have had reports where I could nto remember what happened.

Great update and pics.

Thanks :goodvibes I just cant believe how many gaps I do have in this report. Course... we are soo far out now and I didn't take notes. I am lucky if I remember where I put my keys yesterday so it is not surprising I guess that I can't remember everything from this trip. :rotfl2:
UGh, I really hate it when I read updates on my phone. I think I commented and I didn't. ARRGH.

That is a bummer about the lunch drama but the food looked darn tasty and the pictures, especially of the 3 girls, are adorable. Poor Kira and the restroom, that is just no fun.

Conceptually I love the idea of the Wishes Dessert Party but everytime I see pictures I go...huh. That's it? Of course I don't have a sweet tooth and avoid buffets so...I'm not the target market anyway :rotfl:

Kira looks recovered on her last birthday ride, nice way to end the day!
UGh, I really hate it when I read updates on my phone. I think I commented and I didn't. ARRGH.

That is a bummer about the lunch drama but the food looked darn tasty and the pictures, especially of the 3 girls, are adorable. Poor Kira and the restroom, that is just no fun.

Conceptually I love the idea of the Wishes Dessert Party but everytime I see pictures I go...huh. That's it? Of course I don't have a sweet tooth and avoid buffets so...I'm not the target market anyway :rotfl:

Kira looks recovered on her last birthday ride, nice way to end the day!

I have a love hate relationship with my phone and dis.... I find it easy to check boards quickly with my phone...so love. But I really can't respond properly with it... so hate. :rolleyes:

Yeah... I worried about the dessert party being too many sweets. In fact, Kira has always wanted to do it, but I always tell her no because on the dp we already eat too many. But... it was fun and even though I am not a huge fan of soft desserts.. what I did have was tasty.

And yes... Kira recovered well enough. I think that the mid day break probably helped.
Ann, I was behind again, but I am caught up now, I think.

Sorry for the drama at lunch, but you got some great pictures of the girls with the Princesses.

How nice to get in one last Buzz ride, and Kira getting her one last "birthday" ride.
Ann, I was behind again, but I am caught up now, I think.

Sorry for the drama at lunch, but you got some great pictures of the girls with the Princesses.

How nice to get in one last Buzz ride, and Kira getting her one last "birthday" ride.

It isn't like you don't have a lot going on... ;) I never seem to be completely caught up.

The drama wasn't really "drama" everyone was happy enough. It was just that poor Kira had an upset tummy. An afternoon back at the resort :-):yes:: that is where my total time loss went) and she was feeling much better and ready for some treats and yes, her one last birthday ride. :goodvibes
The morning of 10/3 was a quiet one for me. Kira and Amanda did not want to join Zoe and I for breakfast. It had been discussed long before this day, so I knew this was the case. Not that I was happy about it... but it gave Zoe and I some alone time... and that is never a bad thing.

So after getting up and getting ready we quickly found our way here.

and look, still no one else in sight.

I know that a lot of people love the pre rd CP breakfast at MK. Don't get me wrong... I do to. But this breakfast at TH in AK ranks up there for me and perhaps is even my favorite. AK is so much more quiet and serene. I love the bit of mist that comes off of the "lake".

We checked in and soon were meeting with this guy.

One just with Zoe and Donald

My one gripe about the TH breakfast is that you don't get the photo with the meal. Since we had the pp+ this is the one and only time I have ever got this photo.

Soon we were seated at a nice little table for two. We quickly got our food.

And then of course the characters came around. I LOVE the safari outfits!!!

Once breakfast was over Kira and Amanda met up with us at AK.

We decided to go visit RPW. Where Zoe was surprised by some mischievous guys.

I am not sure if she knew quite what to think about them. It was definitely a bit of an intense character interaction.

Inside, we learned a bit from the cm about this hawk.

Next Up: 10/3 - Day 9 Part 2
Back from our adventure it was then time for another. I assume we had picked up fast passes before heading to RPW.

:scratchin I think we saw some animals.

Oh yes! There is one!!

The obligatory rear shot.

So cool, it was feeding time!!!

I think one of my favorite animals is the elephant. Maybe because they are not so prone to giving me that "rear shot"

This guy was making a digging motion.

Well, he was definitely there...

Next Up: 10/3 - Day 9 Part 3
After the safari we made our way to Asia. Stopping for what is I assume one of Zoe's favorite things in AK (since we always have to stop for her to play with)

But wait, there was another reason to stop!!!

In Asia, we found ourselves doing what most people head there for.

What a cool queue!

Now, I must have gone once with Zoe (it is about all I can tolerate) However from this day there are more pictures of Kira and Amanda on EE. :scratchin I wonder did they sneak on here first thing while Zoe and I were at breakfast?

Toward the end of the day I talked Kira into going to see ITTBAB. She really does not like that show. It has always terrified her since she was young and we first saw it in DCA.

We were then done with AK for the day. On our way out we saw this guy.

He was HUGE! So I decided I needed a second picture to show scale.

Once back at POFQ we spent some more time at the pool.

It was such a nice day for it!

I am not sure where we went for lunch. We had an ADR at Chefs de France, but I know I canceled it. :scratchin sometimes I wish I could just remember things.

What I do know is that we ended up in Epcot. Not sure if this is of the girls going from AK to POFQ or from POFQ to Epcot. The placement in the roll suggests it was after the pool time... but did they not change into different clothes? Maybe not... considering that this is FINALLY getting to the end of the trip. 10/4 is the last park day... with 10/5 being the travel day home. ::yes:: I bet we were low on changes of clothing.

We stopped in SS to eat.

I believe this was Amanda's

Kira and I had the tuna and it was as yummy as ever!

Zoe's meal

my dessert

Kira's dessert

After this we checked on the wait for Soarin. Even though the park was getting close to closing the line was still very long. So I did something that I had not done yet in the trip. I went to guest services and got Zoe a GAC. Technically, Zoe is disabled. However, I don't think she has any obvious outward signs. I try to not treat her differently and so getting the GAC is just not something I really think is necessary. However on this trip we had many an episode where due to her disability we had to leave the line. If the line is short there is not that much trouble... but the risk of waiting in a line for over an hour means that there is a good chance we would have to leave before getting to the front. Given that we had not yet road Soarin this trip and given that we only had one more day, I was able to justify taking advantage of the GAC. I honestly believed that if we had not, we would not have been able to ride Soarin. So please don't judge me ;)

Of course at guest services, they were more than happy to give her the card. With the card in had we went back to Soarin and were able to ride.

Once we were done with the ride it was time to leave the park...both excited and sad that the next day would be our last full day in the park.

We really had not connected with B, L, S or K since our lunch. We had some text going back and forth but sadly we hadn't really seen much of each other.

B asked that Zoe and I stop by their room once we returned to POFQ. B was so nice and had a gift for both Zoe and I. Makes me sad now to think about it. I am sure I didn't seem as grateful as I actually was. I just am never sure how to act when I have nothing to give back. I am fine giving... and happy to do so, but I feel out of place when someone gives me something without having something to give to them.

I thought I had mentioned the shirts that she gave us in an earlier post... but it was in fact this night that she gave them to us. She was too kind. ::yes::

Next Up: 10/4 - Day 10 Part 1
I love AK first thing in the morning...the fog in incredible over the lake! Your safari pictures are awesome!

Thinking we need to visit SS for dessert...

No judging on using the medical pass, sometimes you just need to do it... its not like you abuse the system. You are too hard on yourself.
I love AK first thing in the morning...the fog in incredible over the lake! Your safari pictures are awesome!

Thinking we need to visit SS for dessert...

No judging on using the medical pass, sometimes you just need to do it... its not like you abuse the system. You are too hard on yourself.

I am sure we will get a chance to enjoy a bit of the quiet in AK first thing. Maybe not as much as I did in the October because we are just doing EMH but I still think it will be wonderful. Plus with our plan to go on EE early... I will need to not have a full belly. ;)

SS for dessert... or for those noodles!!! I LOVE those noodles...and tuna. YUM! Not sure why I didn't have any in February. :scratchin I will HAVE to remedy that come September!

And thank you... I really didn't want to abuse the system. It was just I knew that how things were going, our only chance to ride Soarin would be with the GAC.
The day had finally come where we were leaving POFQ. We had originally planned to head home that day. Then one thing (like usual) lead to another with me and I found myself booking a return flight a day later than originally planned. However we made the decision to switch resorts. We didn't get the dp for that last night, but we did get to try a new resort that had only been open for a very short time.

We got everything packed up and out of the room. I took some final pictures.

Did I mention our room was directly in front of the pool?

and just a brief walk down the "street" to the main buildings.

I so loved this resort! It was so small and I love the theming!!

We let luggage services have all of our bags so that they could be transferred. Next we went to MK for the morning. I am not sure what we did. All I know is it was extremely hot that day.

Once we were done in MK, we went from there to AoA.
This was of course were we were headed for the night. When we arrived, we checked in. I want to say our room was not ready, but it must have been.

While I checked us in, Amanda fell in love with the lobby. She is a bit of an artist herself and to see the sketches like that, it had her in total awe. She took countless pictures.

I was struck with how much it reminded me of Pop. I mean.. I know it is a different theme... and yes, I know it is also basically the same layout... but it felt very much like Pop to me.

Gift shop

I have no idea what we each had for lunch. I do seem to recall that they "ran out" of most things and thus we settled for what we could get. I do know that the cupcake sampler that Kira was dying to try was what she did in fact get for dessert.

After our meal, we decided to check out our room. It was quite the walk to the LM section.

We came out of the main building and past the Nemo Section where the main pool is.

Then we had to walk through the Lion King Section.




Both Kira and Amanda, having been children born in the early 90's, would have preferred to stay in the LK section.

But those are suites... so on to the section that could accommodate us. With just a little bit more walking we finally arrived in front of him.


Then we found our room..which had the new key system in place (incidentally for those reading both my TR's CSR had it in February as well)

The theming of this room was OUT OF THIS WORLD!! Every detail was though of. It was definitely a wonderful room.

The view from outside our room.

Next Up: 10/4 - Day 10 Part 2


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